The Severstal long products Balakovo plant had a major overhaul

The Severstal long product mill Balakovo is part of the division «Severstal Russian steel». In its steelmaking plant passed a major overhaul. It was a routine work, which related to the main and auxiliary equipment. The renovation was aimed at restoring the design parameters of the equipment. It was executed by specialists of the enterprise. Also in the process participated representatives of Contracting organizations. During repairs the replacement panel was subjected to a blast furnace. Repaired funnel and cap of the mine.
Special attention was given to surveying the rollers of the camera ZVO. The same applies to roller conveyors. They are located on the machine engaged in continuous casting of billets. For a long time the company worked boosters TPSM and UFOS. They are out of order in connection with the active operation of the equipment. This was repeated for a long period of downtime the meltshop. In addition, this suffered from the quality of the products manufactured by the company. In the process of renovating their performance has been restored. Also major repairs has contributed to productivity growth. The project has cost the company more than 40 million rubles.
Recall that the Severstal long product mill Balakovo is implementing one investment project. It concerns the construction of a new unit. We are talking about the press for briquetting metal chips. Work started last year. Through briquetting will increase the bulk density of the chips. Thus, it will be a reduced percentage of chips combustion in a shaft furnace. The cost of the project is 145 million rubles. Through its implementation, to improve the quality characteristics of the shaft furnace.
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