On "Karabashmed" we launched a new gas purification system

The enterprise «Karabashmed» is located in the city of Karabash, in the Chelyabinsk region. It is worn to group «Russian copper company». It is reported that in the sulfuric acid shop earn new equipment. We are talking about a new system of gas purification. It is a modern high-tech complex. Thanks to this equipment will be gas cleaning of metallurgical production. The complex consists of four wet electrostatic precipitators. They are characterized by high performance.
Electrofilters will clean gases from dust and other impurities. These gases are subsequently disposed of. Currently, the units operate at full capacity. The company performs the cleaning of exhaust gases of production in two stages. Commissioning was carried out immediately, as had a major overhaul. Recall that the repairs concerned the chemical-metallurgical complex JSC «Karabashmed». In addition, a new electrostatic complements six existing units. Thus, increased throughput sulfuric acid plant. This is important because in a metallurgical plant earned a new metallurgical equipment. Running three Converter Kumera. They are characterized by the presence of gas-tight and aspiration napilnikom. Is a high-performance modern equipment.
The process of modernization the company launched in 2017. It took three years. It allowed to increase production capacity. Thus, they reached 170 thousand tons of blister copper. This refers to a year. However, the production growth leads to enhance the impact on the environment. To avoid this and balance, has been running a new gas treatment system.
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