Duralumin plate
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Rolled dural plate regulated GOST 14838−78, chemical composition — GOST 4784−97, the control of structure — GOST 24231−80. The composition is alloyed with copper (4,4%), magnesium (1.5%) and manganese (0,5%). Copper and magnesium contributes to hardening alloy. Manganese, grinds structure, increases strength and resistance to corrosion. Iron and silicon in the composition of aluminum is an inevitable impurity. Iron is considered a harmful impurity, reduces the strength and ductility. Silicon to a certain extent smoothes the harmful effects of iron. Polonikova plate is marked H2; annealed — M; with normal plating — A. Hob must have a flat, smooth surface without defects, cracks, traces burn or stains of pollution. Valid traces of broach.
example of marking
Plate D16 naturally aged and hardened with normal plating is indicated as Д16АТ. Replacerange plate D16 naturally aged and hardened — D16T. Naturally aged and hardened plate D16 with thickened and technological plating, respectively: Д16УТ, Д16БТ. Refined and nagarebana plate — ВД1НР.
Duralumin plate differs adaptability, ease of installation, durability. Inferior to aluminum in corrosion resistance. To correct this, the surface of the plate planiruetsya pure aluminum. To hardening — heat treatment used. Due to the annealing increases the ductility. Compared with steel alloys, such plate is much easier, cheaper, more simply mounted.
Construction, fuel and energy industry, elements of heat transfer equipment. Plate D16 are used in aircraft construction, for interior finishing of the interiors of vessels of sea and river fleet. The VD1 alloy grade is easily welded, high durability. Used in the production of both external structures and internal fragments of aircraft, sports cars.
Get acquainted with the range, specify main features, advantages, the use parameters products you can on our website. The company «_" represents an infinite range of non-ferrous metal. Carried out both wholesale and retail deliveries.
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High-quality production of duralumin plates with constant control of observance of requirements of technological discipline, absolute conformity of semi-finished products all the items of the normative documentation, acceptable cost products determines the popularity of such material for the needs of modern production. Our company represents the entire product range of such products and provides constant attention to the needs of each customer, regardless of order volume.