GOST steel grades

GOST steel Grades

GOST Steel grades Substitute Weldability
GOST 380−94 St0   Welded without any restrictions
Welded without any restrictions. For thickness of more than 36 mm recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
St3kp St3ps ---«---
St3gps St3ps
Steel 18Гпс
St4ps St4sp Cooks limited
Welded is limited. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
St6ps   ---«---
St6sp St5sp ---«---
GOST 801−78 SHKH15 Steel: ШХ9, ШХ12, SHKH15SG The method of welding the CCC
SHKH15SG Steel khvg, SHKH15, 9KHS, HUSH ---«---
SHKH4   ---«---
GOST 1050−88 08 Steel 10 Welded without restriction, except the parts after chemical-thermal treatment
Steel 08 ---«---
10 Steel: 08, 15, 08KP ---«---
Steel 08KP, 15kp, 10 ---«---
15 Steel: 10, 20 ---«---
Steel: 10kp, 20kp Welded without any restrictions
18kp   Welded without any restrictions
20 Steel: 15, 20 Welded without restriction, except the parts after chemical-thermal treatment
Steel: 15kp ---«---
25 Steel: 20, 30 ---«---
30 Steel: 25, 35 Welded is limited. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
35 Steel: 30, 40, 35G ---«---
40 Steel: 35, 45, 40G ---«---
45 Steels: 40X, 50, 50Г2 Difficult weldability. Necessary preheating and subsequent heat treatment
50 Steel: 45, 50G, 50Г2, 55 ---«---
55 Steel: 50, 60, 50G Does not apply to welded structures
58 (55пп) Steel: 30KHGT, 20KHGNTR, 20KHN2M, 12ХНЗА, 18HGT ---«---
GOST 1414−75 A20 Steel A12 Does not apply to welded structures
Steel A40G ---«---
GOST 1435−90 U7, U7A Steel: U8 Does not apply to welded structures
U8, U8A Steel: u7, U7A U10, U10A ---«---
U9, U9A Steel: u7, U7A, U8, U8A Does not apply to welded structures
U10, U10A Steel: U10, U10A ---«---
GOST 4543−71 15X Steel: 20X Welded without restriction, except the parts after chemical-thermal treatment
20X Steel: 15X, 20KHN, 18HGT ---«---
30S Steel: 35X Partially welded
35X Steel: 40CR ---«---
38KHA Steel: 40X 35X Hard-welded
40X Steel: 45KH, 35ХА, 40HS Hard work, requires heating and subsequent heat treatment
45KH Steel: 40CR, 45KH, 50KHN ---«---
50S Steel: 40CR, 45KH, 50KHN ---«---
Steel: 20G, 20, 30G Good weldability
30G Steel: 35, 40G Limited weldability. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
35G   ---«---
40G Were: 45, 40 ---«---
45G Steel: 40G, 50G Difficult weldability. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment.
50G Steel: 40G, 50 ---«---
10G2 Steel: 09Г2 Welded without any restrictions.
35G2 Steel: 40CR Difficult weldability. Requires heating and subsequent heat treatment.
40G2 Steel: 45G2, 60G ---«---
45G2 Steel: 50Г2 ---«---
50Г2 Steel: 45G2, 60G Does not apply to welded structures
47GT Steel: 40ХГРТ Does not apply to welded structures
Steel: 30KHGT, 25KHGT, 12KHN3A, 12KH2N4A, 20KHN2M, 20KHGR Welded without restriction, except the parts after chemical-thermal treatment
20KHGR Steel: 20KHN3A, 20ХН24, 18Х1Т, 12KHN2, 12KHN3A ---«---
25Х1Т Steel 18HGT, 30KHGT, 25KHGM Require subsequent heat treatment
30KHGT Steel 18HGT, 20KHN2M, 25KHGT, 12KH2N4A Limited weldability. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
33KHS   Hard-welded
Steel: 40HS, 38KHS, 35ХГТ Hard-welded
15KHF Steel: 20ХФ Welded without restriction (method CCC)
40KHFA Steel: 40CR, 65G, 50KHFA, 30KH3MF Difficult weldability. Requires heating and subsequent heat treatment.
15KHM   Welded without any restrictions. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
Steel: 35KHM, 35ХРА Limited weldability. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
35KHM Steel: 40CR, 40KHN, 30ХН, 35HGSA ---«---
38ХН   ---«---
20KHN Steel: 15ХГ, 20KHNR, 18HGT Limited weldability.
40KHN Steel: 45KHN, 50KHN, 38KHGN, 40H, 35ХГФ, 40ХНР, 40ХНМ, 30ХГВТ Difficult weldability. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
45KHN Steel: 40KHN ---«---
50KHN Steel: 40KHN, 60ХГ Does not apply to welded structures
20KHNR Steel: 20KHN Limited weldability. Requires heating and subsequent heat treatment.
12KHN2 Steel: 20khnr, 20KHGNR, 12KHN3A, 18HGT, 20KHGR ---«---
12KHN3A Steel: 12KHN2, 20KHN3A, 25KHGT, 12Х2НА, 20KHNR ---«---
20KHN3A Steel: 20KHGNR, 20ХНГ, 38KHA, 20KHGR ---«---
12KH2N4A Steel: 20KHGNR, 12KHN2, 20KHGR, 12KHN3A, 20KH2N4A ---«---
20KH2N4A Steel: 20KHGNR, 20KHGNTR Limited weldability. Requires heating and subsequent heat treatment.
30KHN3A Steel: 30Х2ГН2, 34ХН2М ---«---
20KHGSA Steel 30KHGSA Welded without any restrictions
25KHGSA Steel: 20KHGSA Welded without any restrictions
Steel: 40KHFA, 35KHM, 40KHN, 35HGSA Limited weldability. Requires heating and subsequent heat treatment.
38KH2N2MA   Not used for welding work
40KHN2MA Steel: 40ХГТ, 40ХГР, 30KH3MF, 45KHN2MFA Difficult weldability. Necessary preheating and subsequent heat treatment
40Х2Н2МА Steel: 38KH2N2MA ---«---
38KHN3MA Steel: 38KHN3VA Does not apply to welded structures
18KH2N4MA Steel: 20KH2N4A Difficult weldability. Necessary preheating and subsequent heat treatment
30KHGSA Steel: 40KHFA, 35KHM, 40KHN, 25KHGSA, 35HGSA ---«---
35HGSA Steel: 30KHGS, 30KHGSA, 30KHGT, 35KHM ---«---
30KHGSN2A   ---«---
38KHGN Steel: 38KHGNM ---«---
20KHGNR Steel: 20KHN3A ---«---
20KHN2M Steel: 20KHGR, 15ХР, 20KHNR, 20KHGNR ---«---
30KHN2MFA Steel: 30KHN2VFA ---«---
36KH2N2MFA   Difficult weldability.
38KHN3MFA   Does not apply to welded structures
45KHN2MFA   Difficult weldability. Necessary preheating and subsequent heat treatment
20KHN4FA Steel: 18KH2N4MA Does not apply to welded structures
38H2MYUA Steel: 38Х2ЮА, 38ХВФЮ, 38Х2Ю, 20KH3MVF Does not apply to welded structures
GOST 5520−79 16K
  Welded without any restrictions
20K   Welded without any restrictions
22K   Limited weldability. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
GOST 5632−72 40KH9S2   Does not apply to welded structures
40KH10S2M   Difficult weldability. Necessary preheating and subsequent heat treatment
Steel: 12H13, 12X18H9T
Steel: 20X13
Steel: 12H13, 14KH17N2
Limited weldability. Preheating and heat treatment are applied depending on the method of welding, type and purpose of structures
  Does not apply to welded structures
10Х14АГ16 Steel: 12H18N9, 08H18N10, 12KH18N9T, 12KH18N10T Welded without any restrictions
12X17 Steel 12X18H9T Not recommended for welded structures. Hard-welded
Steel: 12X17, 08KH18T1, 08KH17T Limited weldability
95X18   Does not apply to welded structures
15KH25T Steel: 12KH18N10T Difficult weldability. Necessary preheating and subsequent heat treatment
15KH28 Steel 15KH25T, 20H23N18 ---«---
20Х23Н13   Limited weldability
20H23N18 Steel: 10Х25Т, 20Х23Н13 ---«---
10Х23Н10   Limited weldability
20Х25Н20С   ---«---
15KH12VNMF   Hard-welded
20KH12VNMF Steel: 15KH12VNMF, 18KH11MNFB ---«---
37Х12Н8Г2МФБ   Limited weldability
13KH11N2V2MF   ---«---
45KH14N14V2M   Hard-welded
40KH15N7G7F2MS   ---«---
08Х17Н13М21 Steel: 10Х17Н13М21 Good weldability
10Х17Н3М2Т   ---«---
31KH19N9MVBT   Hard-welded
10KH14G14N4T Steel: 20KH13N4G9, 12KH18N9T, 12KH18N10T, 08KH18N10T Welded satisfactorily
14KH17N2 Steel: 20KH17N2 Good weldability

Steel: 20KH13N4G9, 10KH14G14N4T,
Welded without any restrictions

Steel: 12KH18N10T,

Steel 15KH25T, 08KH18G8N2T, 10KH14G14N4T, 08KH17T
Welded without any restrictions
12Х18Н12Т Steel: 12H18N9, 12KH18N9T, 12KH18N10T Partially welded
08KH18G8N2T Steel: 12H18N9 Welded without any restrictions
20KH20N14S2   ---«---
12H25N16G7AR   ---«---
08KH22N6T Steel 12KH18N9T, 12KH18N10T, 08KH18N10T Welded without any restrictions
06HN28MDT Alloy: 03KHN28MDT ---«---
HN35VT   Hard-welded
KHN35VTJU   Hard-welded
KHN70JU   Partially welded
KHN70VMJUT   Hard-welded
KHN70VMTJUF   ---«---
HN77TYUR   Hard-welded
KHN78T Alloy: ХН38Т, Steel: 12H25N16G7AR, 20H23N18 ---«---
KHN80TBJU   Hard-welded
GOST 5781−82 20KHG2C   Welded without any restrictions
Steel: St5sp, Ст6, St5ps Welded without any restrictions
GOST 5950−73 ХВ4Ф   Does not apply to welded structures
9KH1 Steel: 9x2 ---«---
9KHS Steel: CVH ---«---
CVH Steel: 9KHS, 9KHVG, SHKH15SG ---«---
9KHVG Steel: CVH Does not apply to welded structures
KH6VF Steel: KH12F1, X12M, 9Х5Ф ---«---
X12, KH12VMF Steel KH12MF ---«---

Steel: KH6VF, KH12F1, KH12VMF
Steel: KH6VF, Х6ВФМ
7KHG2VMF   Does not apply to welded structures
Steel: 8X3
Steel: 7X3
5KHNM Steel: 5KHNV, 5ХГМ, 4KHMFS, 5KHNVS, 4KH5V2FS ---«---
5ХГМ Steel: 5KHNM, 5KHNV, 6ХВС, 5ХНС, 5ХНСВ ---«---
4ЗМФС   Does not apply to welded structures
4H5MFS   ---«---
4ХМФ1С   ---«---
3Х3МХФ   ---«---
6KHS   Does not apply to welded structures
4ХВ2С Steel: 4KH5V2FS, 4Х3В2М2 ---«---
Steel: 6KHV2S
Steel: 6ХЗФС
6KHVG   ---«---
GOST 9045−80 08JU   Welded without any restrictions
GOST 14959−79 65
Steel: 60, 70
Does not apply to welded structures
75 Steel: 70, 80, 85 ---«---
85 Steel: 70, 75, 80 ---«---
60G Steel: 65G ---«---
65G Steel: 70, U8A, 70G, 60S2A, 9KHS, 50KHFA, 60S2, 55S2 Does not apply to welded structures
55S2 Steel: 50С2, 60S2, 35Х2АФ ---«---
Steel: 55S2, 50KHFA,
60S2N2A, 60S2G, 50KHFA
70S3A   ---«---
55KHGR   Does not apply to welded structures
50KHFA Steel 60S2A, 50KHGFA, 9KHS ---«---
60S2KHA Steel: 60S2KHFA, 60S2N2A ---«---
60S2KHFA Steel 60S2A, 60S2KHA, 9KHS, 60С2ВА ---«---
65S2VA Steel 60S2A, 60S2KHA Does not apply to welded structures
60S2N2A Steel 60S2A, 60S2KHA ---«---
GOST 19265−73 R18   When butt welding with steel 45 and 40CR good weldability
R6M5K5   ---«---
R9M4K8   ---«---
GOST 19281−89 09Г2 Steel 09G2S, 10G2 Welded without any restrictions
14G2 Steel: 15KHSND Limited weldability
12GS Steel: 15ГС Welded without any restrictions
16GS Steel: 17GS ---«---
17GS Steel: 16GS ---«---
17G1S Steel: 17GS ---«---
09G2S Steel: 10Г2С, 09Г2 Welded without any restrictions
10G2S1 Steel: 10G2S1D ---«---
10G2BD Steel: 10G2B ---«---
15G2SFD   ---«---
14G2AF Steel 16G2AF Welded without any restrictions
16G2AF Steel 14G2AF ---«---
18Г2ФАпс Steel: 15Г2ФАДпс, 16G2AF, 10KHSND, 15KHSND ---«---
14KHGS Steel: 15KHSND, 16GS ---«---
15Г2АФДпс Steel 16G2AF, 18Г2АФпс, 10KHSND Welded without any restrictions
10KHSND Steel 16G2AF ---«---
10KHNDP   ---«---
15KHSND Steel 16G2AF, 14KHGS, 16GS ---«---
GOST 20072−72 12MKH   Welded without any restrictions. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
12KH1MF   ---«---
25KH1MF   Welded without any restrictions. Recommended heating and subsequent heat treatment
20KH3MVF   ---«---
15X5M   ---«---

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