Stainless steel – durability and reliability
General characteristics
To boost the demand for stainless steel sheets, subjected to special treatment. The treatment increases the surface quality and makes the product more attractive. Grinding of stainless steel sheets takes place on special machines linen tapes with abrasive chips of various parameters. If you change the size of the abrasive chips is changing the degree of grinding. It can be «rough», and maybe «delicate». First remove gross defects, various burrs, ripples and scratches. Final polishing in some cases is done manually, using special paste and soft polishing cloth.
Classification of surface cleanliness of stainless steel
1) Polished sheet; 2) Matt polished; 3) polished mirror; 4) super-mirror. Brushed and mirror sheet is used in the creation of highly aesthetic details, and decorative elements of the interior.
Production of stainless steel tubes
Pipe with a circular cross section of stainless steel can be welded and seamless. Accordingly, they are produced in two ways. First — welding; the second is the firmware and calibration at the mill solid workpieces. Weld the pipe in several ways. The most commonly used plasma method. it minimizes the internal stress and deformation of a sheet of stainless steel on the joints.
Round pipe stainless steel is the most popular in the following areas. The creation of domestic and industrial pipelines, transportation equipment, pulp and paper industry, food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industry, manufacture of medical instruments and equipment, architecture and decoration. Stainless steel is becoming increasingly popular. Today pipe made of stainless steel seriously pressed pipes from ferrous metals.
To buy, price
In stock, LLC «" in the presence of a wide range of high-quality metal standard and custom sizes. Supply products of stainless steel of various brands in retail and wholesale. All the party goods have the quality certificate on conformity to requirements of standards and technical conditions. The certificate is marked manufacturer, brand alloy, the melting number, chemical composition and mechanical properties. Implementation of orders in the shortest possible time. Wholesale buyers are offered preferential discounts.
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