Applications of aluminum alloys
This plastic alloys with high thermal and elektroprovodnosti and good weldability, corrosion-resistant. Not suitable for carrying a heavy load structures. Of them produce the various piping and electrical wires, stained glass, partitions in the rooms, window and door frames, Cabinet and appliances, jewelry and Souvenirs, deck superstructure of sea and river vessels, wrappers, cans, etc. They are suitable for rivets medium of loaded structures made of magnesium and aluminum alloys with high corrosion resistance.
Alloy is producedwarnie pipelines and tanks for liquids, and other weakly loaded items; products made by deep drawing, bending, etc. Suitable for rivets sredneshirotnykh structures of magnesium and aluminum alloys with high corrosion resistance.
Welded and riveted construction, various pipelines, tanks for liquids and other medium — and weakly-loaded products: stained glass, partitions in the rooms, window and door frames, Cabinet and appliances, deck superstructures of ships, wrappers, etc. the Wire is suitable as a filler material for manufacture of rivets.
Poorly loaded welded structures, corrosion: pipelines, tanks for liquids, stained glass Windows and walls, window and door frames, casing and appliances deck structures.
AMg5, AMg5 and AMg6
Srednekaloriynye welded and riveted construction, with high resistance to corrosion: pipelines, tanks for liquids and other similar products.
D16 D16P and
Used in the construction high tensile strength and durability under variable loads, e.g. in aviation. Suitable for building structures that do not require special corrosion resistance for the construction of farms, for elements of structures, designed for a significant load, with the exception of the stampings and forgings. In critical loaded parts alloy D16 alloy V95 is replaced. Rivets are put into the design in sweetalena condition (no later than half an hour after quenching). Design is designed for operation at temperatures up to 250 °C.
AD31 and АД3З
Used in riveted and welded constructions of complex shapes, where the required high yield strength and a hollow profile extruded products of complex shape.
And AK4 AK4−1
Of them produce the compressor blades and impellers, rings and discs turboprop and turbojet engines, pistons, and forged parts, operating at elevated temperature.
And AK6 AK6−1
Suitable for forged and extruded complex-products of medium strength (small and large impeller, sub-frame, fasteners, fittings, etc. details)
High strength alloy, but difficulties in the hot pressure treatment limit its use. Used for stamped and forged parts operating at a significant load to the sub frames, the flanges, butt nodes.
V95, and V95−1
Suitable for continuously operating under load at temperatures up to 120 °C. Plating and spars of aircraft, frames, stringers, riveted frame building structures. Alloy V95−1 produced stamped blades.
To buy, price
The company «Electrocentury-steel» sells semi-finished products of aluminium and its alloys at the best price. It is based bets on the London stock exchange non-ferrous metals and depends on technological features of production without the inclusion of additional costs. All the party goods have the quality certificate on conformity to requirements of standards and technical conditions. In the certificate marked by the manufacturer, the number of drawings and name parts, alloy grade, number of melt, the mechanical properties of components, the chemical composition and the results of additional tests. Implementation of orders in the shortest possible time. Wholesale buyers are offered preferential discounts.
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