Treatment of the scandium
It is a soft metal, and when it is processed does not arise special difficulties. It is easily stamped, rolled and forged. To improve the cutting performance, as a rule, use lathe CNC cutters special composition (e.g., plate VK8). Cutting ingots into billets can produce circular saws. The surface finish of the turning is achieved by low flow and the use of special coolant the coolant.
Ultrasound and chemical treatment
Ultrasonic treatment allows to avoid cracks and reduce the roughness of the surface. Regarding chemical treatment, scandium, and other rare metals, requires multistage stimulation, taking into account the nature of the interaction with acids and alkalis.
In closed warehouses or under the shed providing adequate protection against mechanical and other damage.
Supply, price
Are you interested in the processing technology of scandium? Company KMZ offers to buy the scandium and alloys of scandium at an affordable price in a optimally short period of time. The price matches the high quality of products. Waiting for your orders.
Buy, supplier
To by alloys of scandium provider KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. The provider offers any rare earth metals at an affordable price wholesale or retail. Supplier KMZ offers scandium and its alloys under the order. We invite you to partnership.
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