General requirements for copper structures

General requirements

Round and shaped conductors of cables, wires and cords from copper and aluminum wire should not have sharp edges, burrs, bulges on the surface of the wire, and sinks that output the amount of a deviation established by the standard… Diameter of individual wires is not standardized, but their total resistivity should correspond specified in GOST.

Classes of conductors

Despite the huge variety of designs of the cable conductors, and used combinations of electrically conductive materials, for wire and cable General purpose, developed some standard design copper conductors standard cross section, whose requirements are in accordance with GOST 22483−77. It has to round and shaped (pie) and compacted conductive cores of the cable products from copper and copper-tinned wire with a metallic coating 6ез him. Design copper conductors are divided into six classes. Veins of the first two classes are intended for fixed installation and cable products, and core grades 3−6 is designed for cables of high flexibility.

Core 4 th grade.

Diameter mm wire, more Nominal cross section core, mm Electrically. DC resistance at temp. 20 °C 1 km round conductors, Ohm, not more
tinned nalozhenii
0,69 400 0,0493 0,0484
0,69 240 0,0824 0,0808
0,69 150 0,132 0,129
0,59 95 0,205 0,201
0,59 50 0,401 0,393
0,53 25 0,792 0,776
0,53 10 2,04 2
0,53 6 3,35 3,28
0,53 5 3,9 3,82
0,53 3 Of 6.65 Of 6.52
0,43 2 10,3 Of 9.97
0,41 1,2 16,5 16
0,31 0,75 25,9 25,2
0,27 0,35 58,7 57
0,16 0,12 170,3 Was 165.3
0,11 0,05 383,7 366,6

Veins 5th grade

Wire diameter, mm, not more Nominal cable lead cut, mm2 Electrically. DC resistance at temp. 20 °C 1 km round conductors, Ohm, not more

tinned nalozhenii
0,21 0,5 40,1 39
0,26 2,5 Of 8.21 7,98
0,21 1 20 19,5
0,31 6 3,39 3,3
0,41 35 0,565 0,554
0,41 16 1,24 1,21
0,51 120 0,164 0,161
0,51 70 0,277 0,272
0,51 185 0,108 0,106
0,61 630 0,0292 0,0287
0,51 300 0,0654 0,0641

Core class 6

Diameter mm wire, more Nominal cross section core, mm Electrically. DC resistance at temp. 20 °C 1 km round conductors, Ohm, not more
tinned nalozhenii
0,41 240 0,0817 0,0801
0,31 150 0,132 0,129
0,31 95 0,21 0,206
0,31 50 0,393 0,386
0,21 25 0,795 0,78
0,21 10 1,95 1,11
0,16 4 5,09 4,95
0,16 1,5 13,7 13,3
0,16 0,75 26,7 26

To buy, price

In stock, LLC «Electrocentury-steel» a wide range of quality products from non-ferrous metals Supply products of copper and copper alloys standard and custom sizes in retail and wholesale. All the party goods have the quality certificate on conformity to requirements of standards and technical conditions. In the certificate marked by the manufacturer, drawing number and name details, brand alloy mechanical properties of the parts, the chemical composition and the results of additional tests. Implementation of orders in the shortest possible time. Wholesale buyers are offered preferential discounts.

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