Manufacture of metal tungsten
Are you interested in the production of tungsten? Supplier KMZ offers to buy tungsten and its alloys at economical price. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
Technical characteristics
Tungsten has a body-centered cubic (BCC) crystal lattice. The metal is brittle at room temperature but, when heated, becomes sticky and durable. It has the highest melting point of all metals, which is 3410 °C, and very high electrical conductivity. Thanks to this unique combination of properties, the metal is widely used as filaments in incandescent lamps and emitters of the electronic devices. Tungsten is also widely used as alloying element in the production of tool steels and wear-resistant hard alloys, parts of rocket engines. Carbide WC is used for cutting tools because of their high hardness and wear resistance.
Production of tungsten. Processing ore
Tungsten ores are beneficiated by crushing followed by gravity concentration. Flotation separation is used for scheelite that has been ground to fine granules. Raw materials undergo leaching, roasting, magnetic separation or high voltage. Tungsten ores frequently occur in combination with sulphides and arsenides, which can be removed by roasting in air for two to four hours at 800 °C. With the aim of obtaining intermediate compounds of ammonium paratungstate ore is decomposed by acid leaching or by the autoclave-soda process. The resulting solution is sent to the evaporator for crystallization.
Processing of tungsten acid
In the process of acid-leaching the concentrate is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, and the resulting suspension of tungsten acid, diluted, and allowed to precipitate. Tungsten acid and then dissolved in aqueous ammonia at 60 °C, stirring for two hours… Calcium from the resulting solution precipitates as calcium oxalate, whereas phosphorus and arsenic can be removed by adding magnesium oxide, which forms insoluble phosphates and ammonium arsenate and magnesium. The solution was then clarified through pressure filters and evaporated obtaining crystals of tungstate of ammonium.
Recovery of hydrogen
Industrial production of tungsten, passes through the stage of formation of intermediate oxide, which is then reduced with hydrogen to metallic tungsten powder. For full recovery of the metal requires a temperature above 1050 °C.
Production shtabikov
Powder blanks in special forms placed in an oven. Slow heating in the early stage of sintering is essential for deoxidizing the material and release of gases at a controlled rate. as too rapid increase of temperature within the billet would cause thermal stresses and lead to cracking of the material, the Final sintering takes place for 10 hours.
Are you interested in the production of tungsten? Supplier KMZ offers to buy tungsten and its alloys at economical price. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
Supplier, price
Buy rare and refractory metals from a vendor KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. Buy tungsten and its alloys at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount system of discounts from the company KMZ.
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