ХН35ВБ-VD, ID, ЭП912 round, wire, tube, sheet, strip


Steel brand ХН35ВБ-VD belongs to the category zhelezomargantsevykh alloys, as it is based on these chemical elements. Optimally balanced composition gives the alloy high temperature strength and resistance to corrosion. This material is an outstanding representative of stainless alloys. A wide range of products of the brand ХН35ВБ-VD, produced by modern industry (from ingots and billets to rolling the rolling of sheet and complicated profiles) allows to handle the most complex production tasks. Production is regulated by the technical conditions TU 14−1-4223−87. For tubular products regulatory document for production THAT are 14−3-1583−88. Steel parts of the brand ХН35ВБ-VD is able to effectively operate for a long time at a temperature to one thousand degrees.


Such high-tech and high-temperature resistant material widely used in various industries, from the formation of piping systems for extraction and transportation of gas to the aircraft and space industry. The unique working characteristics of the alloy enable to use it in the construction industry for forming frame units and structures, and fasteners. Such the steel demand in the manufacture of household appliances appointment, needs of the food industry. High wear and heat resistance steel grade ХН35ВБ-VD, resistance to action of aggressive environment, it can be effectively used where the operation of equipment associated with contact with hot aggressive media. Such equipment operates equally well in acidic or alkaline medium and in sea water over a wide temperature range.

buy at best price

High demand for products from alloy grade ХН35ВБ-VD is determined by the optimal combination of price and quality. A wide range of products and a convenient method of ordering will make a purchase from us as comfortable as possible. Full compliance of all products to requirements of normative documentation on it and the availability of quality certificates for each type of products guarantees long-lasting reliable performance of the ordered materials. Invariably high quality semi-finished products determines the constant trust of our customers.

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