44NKHTJU ribbon, round, wire

All materials are precision type are of high quality and stringent requirements for a fixed chemical composition, which fully determines the basic performance of the raw materials. Properties and operational parameters of such alloys are divided into several basic types. Each type has its own unique features and individual applications.

Features alloy 44 NHTU

Alloy 44NKHTJU is strictly regulated parameters of elasticity and hardness. This feature is achieved thanks to the successful combination of the elements included in the composition of the material. And of equal importance here is not only the existence of one or another component, but the proportion of a combination of important substances. Like all other precision alloy type, such raw material is of incidental impurities and additions, and high surface quality is another added advantage when used. The main scope of alloys of this type is the manufacture of elastic elements of high sensitivity, operating at temperatures up to two hundred degrees.


Chemical composition in percentage
silicon carbon iron manganese phosphorus sulfur Nickel aluminium Titan chrome
0,3−0,6 to 0.05 44,11−48,3 0,3−0,6 to 0.02 to 0.02 43,5−45,5 0,4−0,8 2.2 and 2.7 5−5,6
Physical characteristics
Name Units Symbol The numerical value
The modulus of elasticity MPa E*10−5 1,79
Temperature measurements ◦ C t 20
The rate of linear expansion (at t=100◦ C) 1/deg and*10 6 8
Mechanical properties (at temperature 20◦ C)
Name characteristics The numerical value of the parameter for different types of products


(GOST 14119−85)

CR drawing wire (GOST 14118−85) Wire floor CR drawing (GOST 14118−85) Tape CR drawing (GOST 14117−85)
Short-term tensile strength, MPa (blower SB) 980 1180 980 800
Yield strength, MPa (sT) 635

Elongation at break, % (d5) 15

The relative narrowing, % (y) 25

Impact strength, kJ/m2 (KCU) 635

The magnetic characteristics

The coercive force (not more than), (A/m) NS
Magnetic permeability (not more) (MH/m) Umax
Specific losses (not more) at a frequency of 50 Hz and a magnetic induction of 1 T, (W/kg) P1,0/50
Magnetic induction T (not less), when magnetic field 100, a magnetic field (A/m) B100

Indicators of weldability

The alloy has limitations in terms of weldability The welding process requires some advance preparation (preheating contacting surfaces to one hundred or one hundred and twenty degrees, and subsequent heat treatment suture zone)
The welded alloy has no restrictions Not require additional surgery
Difficult weldable material The necessary heating of the contact surfaces up to a few hundred degrees, the subsequent annealing and heat treatment after welding process

Buy at best price

Alloy 44NKHTJU presents in stock, LLC «_" the full range of products that will satisfy any customer. Optimum price category and full compliance with the requirements of technical documentation will allow to provide the reliability and economic efficiency of production. Individual work with every customer regardless of the purchase price is our motto since the founding of the company.

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