НП1А-ID round, wire, tube, sheet, strip


Material marked НП1А-ID refers to the class of high-purity Nickel alloys. Such materials, thanks to the Nickel-based, has high corrosion resistance in environment of concentrated acids and alkalis, aggressive industrial environments and high electrical resistance. Most often, the equipment material of this type is used by the chemical industry. The manufacture and transportation of corrosive chemical substances such as caustic soda, liquid chlorine, mineral fertilizers can not do without such a robust and reliable raw materials.


carbon copper iron magnesium manganese Nickel sulfur
to 0.023 to 0,006 to 0.023 to 0.035 to 0.003 basis 0.004

The parameters of the main mechanical properties

The name of the prefabricated Regulatory documentation Designation characteristics

σ in


σ t






Steel cold-rolled sheet (annealed) THAT 48−0815−80−92 430 25
Hot-rolled sheet and plate THAT 48−0815−84−92 372 25
Hot-pressed pipe (323) THAT 14−3-1591−88 196 42 85,6
Cold drawn pipe (382) THAT 14−3-1591−88 196 40
Cold-drawn pipe THAT 48−0814−11/0−83 392 25
The recommended heat treatment Heating in the temperature interval from 620 to 700 °C aged for at least three minutes at a ratio of three minutes for each inch of thickness, but not less than half an hour. Cooling in the open air.

The dependence of mechanical properties operating temperature

t Spanish.


σ in


σ 0,2




Sheets with a thickness of eight millimeters alloy НП1А (annealing at a temperature of 650 degrees)
20 430
100 392
200 392
300 392
400 314
500 265
Cold rolled pipes with dimensions 25 2.5 30 2.5 alloy НП1А (annealing at a temperature of 650 degrees)
100 416 298 35
300 366 251 44
400 300 200 43
500 263 237 33
Hot-pressed pipe (with dimensions of 114 for 6 or cold-rolled with dimensions of 38 by 1.8) НП1А-ID
20 323−382
100 357
200 350

buy at best price

Company «_" implements the semi-finished products of the brand НП1А at a reasonable price from the manufacturer. The level of service and quality of products at the European level. Our website contains the most current information. Our managers are always happy to help in the choice of products. Implementation of orders takes minimal time. Wholesale buyers get a preferential discount.

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+38 (095) 209-60-73