Cutting and processing of tungsten
Are you interested in cutting and processing of tungsten? Supplier KMZ offers to buy tungsten and its alloys at economical price. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
Cutting tungsten
In its pure form is quite flexible and ductile metal, However, it usually contains an admixture of carbon and oxygen, which give it the hardness and fragility. Therefore, mechanical cutting of tungsten is typically performed at a low feed tool. More successful is cutting a shift in a combination of varietal or shears. Setting the minimum necessary clearances between the movable and stationary knives, you can control the shear cracks so that the area of the chip was relatively smooth.
Machining of tungsten
It is recommended to use carbide tools. When machining tungsten billet cutting machines are used for cooling of cutting fluids, although in many cases it is sufficient just to reduce the number of revolutions of the spindle. When drilling it is recommended to use carbide drill bits cooled with air or cooling liquids such as emulsions with molybdenum disulfide. Tungsten lends itself well to processes of mechanical tapping. When milling it is recommended to use milling cutters with carbide bits. Tungsten workpieces lend themselves well to all methods of electrophysical processing and gazoobrazovania cutting.
Processing of alloys
In practice, mechanical processing is used not only pure tungsten, but also alloys thereof with other metals. Among the alloying elements is dominated by Nickel, copper and iron. Machining of most of these alloys is straightforward. These alloys can be drilled, milled, sharpening using standard tools and equipment.
Are you interested in cutting and processing of tungsten? Supplier KMZ offers to buy tungsten and its alloys at economical price. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
Supplier, price
Buy rare and refractory metals from a vendor KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. Buy tungsten and its alloys at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount system of discounts from the company KMZ.
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