Titan benefits Titan


This metal along with other when compared with the legendary community of the Round table, might be called the knight Lancelot — the knight without fear and without reproach, so extraordinary qualities he possesses. No wonder the explorers called it the metal of the future. Its high specific strength, corrosion resistance, resistance to high temperatures has allowed us to implement the most daring engineering ideas. High mechanical qualities of this metal are retained at temperatures up to 600 °C. the Titanium in pure form is suitable for any type of treatment: forging, drawing, rolling, and production of the foil. It is paramagnetic, has a high electric resistance. akin to Nickel. The thermal conductivity of titanium is very low, about 3 times less than iron and 17−20 times less than that of aluminum or copper.

Use. Aviation equipment

Here lightweight titanium alloys are truly indispensable. At industrial scale they were first tested in the construction of aircraft jet engine, which allowed to reduce its weight by 10−25%. Titanium alloys make the blades and discs of compressors, parts of the fuselage and wing and others increasing flight speed led to the increase in temperature of the aircraft skin. Aluminum alloys the steel at supersonic speed. Optimal in such conditions is the use of titanium. In the 70 years of the twentieth century, titanium alloys have gained a strong position in civil aviation. The total mass of the titanium parts of such aircraft as TU-204 — more than 2.5 tons. It should be noted the extensive use of titanium in the rocket and the airship and the helicopter.


Here titanium alloys also have been widely used due to corrosion resistance. This metal is used for making the sheathing of ships, submarines, propellers, torpedoes, etc. titanium alloys do not adhere shells, increasing the resistance of the ship when moving.

Other industries

With each passing day the scope of application of titanium expands. He demanded in metallurgy, mining and nuclear engineering, chemical, food, pulp and paper industry and other industries. It is used in electroplating, engineering, electronics. In «oboronke» it is necessary for the manufacture of armor plate. In the energy sector for heat exchangers. To make medical instruments and implants, and parts of desalination plants and aircraft engines. The equipment is the hang — gliders and climbing gear. It is found in parts of watches and exclusive jewelry. When nitrided titanium on its surface formed a Golden film that made it attractive in jewelry.

To buy, price

In stock, LLC «" in the presence of a wide range of high quality titanium mill standard and custom sizes. All the party goods have the quality certificate on conformity to requirements of standards and technical conditions. In the certificate marked by the manufacturer, the number of drawings and name parts, alloy grade, number of melt, the mechanical properties of components, the chemical composition and the results of additional tests. Implementation of orders in the shortest possible time. Wholesale buyers are offered preferential discounts.

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