The resistivity of the thermocouple
Are you interested in specific resistance of the thermocouple? Supplier KMZ offers to buy at a economical price all types of thermocouples. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
The thermocouple is the most popular temperature sensor. It is cheap, has standard connectors and can measure a wide range of temperatures. The main limitation is accuracy: system errors of less than 1 °C may not always be tracked. Although for the manufacture of thermocouple you can use almost any two types of metal, using a number of standard types, because they possess predictable output voltages and large temperature gradients.
To make accurate measurements of the produced compensation parameters of the hot and cold junction. Allowed connection of the electrodes by soldering, since solder does not affect the readings. In practice, however, the connections of the thermocouples are made by welding two metals (usually by capacitive discharge) as this ensures that performance will not be limited by the melting point of the solder. Typically, the cold junction temperature is determined using a precision thermistor in thermal contact with the input connectors of the measuring instrument. This is the second reading, along with baseline readings is used to calculate the true temperature.
Thermocouple types and their characteristics
The most common:
- Thermocouple type «chromel / alumel». This is an inexpensive device for General use. They are able to measure temperatures ranging from -200 ° C to +1200 ° C. Sensitivity is approximately 41 µv / °C;
- Thermocouple type «chromel / Constantan». Features high performance (up to 68…70 µv / ° C), making a thermocouple suitable for low-temperature (cryogenic) use.
- Thermocouple type «iron / Constantan». Able to measure the temperature in a limited range of values (from -40 to +750 ° C), and therefore is rarely used;
- Thermocouple made of noble metals, «type platinum / rhodium». It is the most stable of all thermocouples, but due to the low sensitivity (approximately 10 µv / ° C) typically used for measuring high temperatures (above 300°C). Maximum temperature 1800 °C, however, does not have high sensitivity (10 µv / ° C).
Are you interested in specific resistance of the thermocouple? Supplier KMZ offers to buy at a economical price all types of thermocouples. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
Supplier, price
To purchase any of the thermocouplesat the supplier KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. Buy thermocouplefrom at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount system of discounts from the company KMZ.
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