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general characteristics
VTZ-1 is an alloy of the Ti-Al-Mo-Cr-Fe-Si format. This is a high-strength α + β-martensitic alloy. Aluminum in the composition significantly strengthens the α and β phases, while reducing the level of alloy density. All β-stabilizers, which include iron, chromium and silicon, also significantly strengthen the α and β-phase, while increasing strength and heat resistance under conditions of moderate temperature. Molybdenum in the composition is able not only to increase the strength and heat resistance of the alloy, but it also inhibits eutectoid decay of the β phase, increasing the thermal stability.
Technological properties and processing
VTZ-1 is well deformed when hot. We produce rolled, extruded, forged bars, as well as rolled, extruded profiles, various forging, stamping, plates, strips, rolling rings, as well as custom pipes. This alloy is satisfactorily welded by any type of welding that is applicable to titanium. After welding, annealing is necessary to restore the plasticity of the welded joint. The finished products of VTZ-1 grade, as a rule, are also used after isothermal annealing. It consists of a heating procedure up to t ° 870- 920 ° C, isothermal holding (at 630−680 ° C for 2 to 5 hours) followed by air cooling. As a result of this annealing, the alloy acquires a stable α + β-structure, which gives high thermal stability and maximum plasticity of the product. After single annealing at a temperature of 800−850 ° C, this alloy acquires even greater strength than after isothermal annealing, although, in this case, plasticity and thermal stability decrease. Strength parameters can be significantly increased by quenching (t ° from 840 to 900 ° C) and subsequent aging (t ° 500 — 620 ° C for 1−4 hours). But this treatment reduces the thermal stability of the alloy, so it is used very rarely.
VTZ-1 serves for the manufacture of parts of motors, designed for long-term operation (6 thousand hours and more) at temperatures up to 400 ° C. The alloy also produces a different kind of reinforcement, ear bolts; Details of the control system. In some cases, the alloy VTZ-1 is replaced by another alloy — VT6. This is due to the fact that the Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been used successfully for many years abroad to create the most important structures. In addition, additional alloying can significantly increase all the strength parameters of VT-6 while maintaining a satisfactory plasticity. True, the mechanical properties of welded joints will be significantly affected by replacement. But, for example, with electron-beam welding, the quality of the VT6 seam is unrivaled. With it, only welded joints of the alloy VT20 can be compared.
Buy, price
OOO «" sells titanium rolled products in a wide assortment of various alloys at the best price, order and purchase rolled, pressed, forged bars, pressed profiles, as well as forging, stamping, plates, strips, rolling rings, pipes and other products of various parameters alloy VTZ-1 is possible through our office or via the Internet-site of the company. All products are certified. Period minimum order. The price depends on order volume and the additional conditions of supply. Wholesale customers provide concessional discounts.