Electrozinc: the end of the repair wellspace not far off

Left relatively little time until the moment is finished overhaul wellspace No. 3. Included in UMMC’s Electrozinc uses this unit for the production of oxide of zinc. Also the furnace is designed to produce clinker in the processing of secondary zinc-containing elements. Production capacity of the machine is 4 tons charge/HR. Furnace No. 3 was stopped for overhaul at the beginning of the current year. At the moment we are completing preparations for the final stage of the project is the lining of the body.
Wellspace is a metal body, the length of which reaches 41 meters, diameter of 2.8 meters. Also, the design includes a set of mechanism of rotation of the support mechanisms. In General, the repair of such a unit is considered to be the most complex, lengthy and time consuming process of all the plant. The process consists of a range of different activities, from the dismantling of the lining to the leveling of the housing. Given the number and variety of procedures to overhaul attracted not only representatives of the repair shops of the enterprise, but also contractors.
Unit repair started in February. The initial step was the dismantling of obsolete lining. Then repair service started by the Foundation, back fill, which was established to prevent cracking. After the start of the hull repair equipment. The specialists think that treatment of a metal component of the corps most difficult, because you have to give it a perfect evenness. Furnace lining will affect its entire length, which the company purchased more than 180 tons of refractory bricks. The last stage of the work will be completed within one month, then the furnace will start operation. In General, the cost of the repair will exceed 12 million RUB.
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