
One of the largest Brazilian mining companies in the world «Vale» announced the reduction of Nickel production. The decision was announced by the press service of the iron ore company. General Director of «Vale»...

The European Union decided to impose duties on Chinese imports of industrial products. The solution of the metals from China, which are resistant to corrosion. The fee is set in the range of 17.2% to 28.5%.

It is assumed that the cost of Chinese steel will fall for this year. This conclusion was made by Japanese company Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. It is based on the infrastructure projects to China. On their...

Chilean companies continue to increase the production of refined copper. No exception of the mining and metallurgical Antofagasta. In the second quarter of this year it has increased production volume by 1.5% compared...

Gaisky GOK is engaged in the construction of the loading unit of raw material, equipped with a receiving hopper. It is being built at the concentrator, for the ore pretreatment complex. Today in the warehouse...

Chilean environmental organization SEA has approved the project developed by the Australian Corporation BHP Billiton. Its main objective is the expansion of the productivity of the enterprise Spence focused on the extraction of copper.

30 Jun titanium giant VSMPO-AVISMA started to celebrate his 84th Birthday. The official part of the celebration started with a General meeting where were solemnly handed over to both corporate and departmental promotion. Received awards...

Lebedinsky mining and processing plant of the company metalloinvest, has launched one of the world’s most powerful complex for the production of hot briquetted iron. According to the Chairman of the Board of Directors...

Association of the enterprises of nonferrous metallurgy Indonesia ISA has published data relative to the production of Nickel cast iron. In July once again increased the number of enterprises that stopped as a result...
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