Glavgosexpertiza of Russian Federation approved the construction of a new factory

We are talking about the enrichment facility that will be built in the Chelyabinsk region. The project will be implemented in the area Mikheevskogo mine. Prior to the issuance of a positive conclusion, the experts studied the documents. It was concluded on the compliance of project documentation and research all the requirements and regulations. Miheevsky mining and processing plant was built in 2013. Construction work was carried out under the control of Russian copper company. The purpose of construction was the development of deposits of copper-porphyry of raw materials. In Russia this field is one of the most important. If we consider the global field Miheevskoye ranks among the top 50. Experts estimate that ore reserves are estimated at 400 million tons.
Processing plant includes factory, water recycling, tail farm. The implementation of this project will allow to process and enrich mined copper pyrite ore. The annual performance of the enterprise for processing of raw materials will be about 18 million tons. If we consider the production of concentrate of copper, reached annual figures of 280.8 thousand tons.
The project foresees the construction of all required structures, install equipment, process and auxiliary. Their function is that of obtaining collective concentrate of copper. In accordance with the plan of the main building will adjoin overload nodes and conveyor galleries. Planned construction of housing fragmentation and distribution, warehouses and lime krupnouzlovoj ore other objects. It is assumed that the capacity of the tailings will reach 166,472 million cubic meters of Waste achieved a volume of approximately 12 years. The declared capacity of the factory is 18 million tonnes of ore annually.
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