Metalloinvest introduced a new production complex for production of hot briquetted iron

Lebedinsky mining and processing plant of the company metalloinvest, has launched one of the world’s most powerful complex for the production of hot briquetted iron.
According to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of metalloinvest I. streshenskogo with the introduction of the complex will increase significantly increase the profit. Besides, it will strengthen the company’s position in the international market of metallized raw product.
Hot iron — efficient mixture, added to the scrap for manufacturing high grade steel metal.
The main advantage of the new complex is that it there will be minimal impact on the environment. The use of new innovative technologies was given the opportunity to minimize the emissions of pollutants. This was noted by General Director of metalloinvest by A. Varichev.
For the realization of this project was invested more than 660 million dollars. Also the launch of the complex will create more than 400 places for highly skilled workers.
Due to the complex can be produced 1,8 million tons of hot briquetted iron per year.
Through the use of this installation, the company will be able to produce nearly 4.5 million tons of hot briquetted iron per year
The project will strengthened the company’s leadership position in the international market for the sale of hot briquetted iron. At the moment the share of metalloinvest’s HBI product on the world market is more than 40%.
To increase the volume of production and quality of raw product used for installation, the company carried out the modernization on the enrichment plant and pelletizing plant.
For the production of hot briquetted iron is used the innovative technology of direct restoration of iron from zhelezorudny.
Complex HBI was established by decree of government of Russia, the creation of which was included in the list of events of the «Year of Ecology».
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