Investment in cybersecurity from Norilsk

Created partnership «Kaspersky Lab» and Norilsk Nickel. The agreement was signed by the necessity of information security. Through their cooperation will be improved in the cybersecurity industry. Such a strategic decision was taken in order to strengthen safe event.
This cooperation is the first in the domestic business market. It involves not only technological support. The introduction of educational and analytical services will allow you to achieve great results. Because of this, the threat can be detected in advance. Attacks will become more predictable. In addition, the human factor will play less of a role. The experience of «Kaspersky Lab» will allow you to create the best model of cybersecurity for Norilsk Nickel. It will protect corporate data and information on production processes.
Norilsk is an industrial giant, who is engaged in mining, metallurgy, and other things. If you harm one of the processes, it will cause damage. And it will be both material and reputational. In addition, the harm will affect the whole Russian economy. It was therefore decided to prevent such situation. Installing protection now, you can avoid large problems in the future. This partnership stands as an example for other major companies and conglomerates. Following him, we can significantly reduce the risk of cyber attacks in the industrial sector. Today it is a common enough problem. It requires a speedy and proper decision.
Our consultant will save your time!

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