Advantages of Nickel and Nickel alloys
General characteristics
The basis of modern technology are metals and alloys. Technological progress makes it increasingly tough demands. Nickel alloys are created of heat-resistant, acid-resistant materials with special properties. Most popular Nickel alloys confirms the number. To date described more than 3000 grades of Nickel alloys. This metal alloy adds a valuable quality. In the structure of consumption more than 80% of Nickel is consumed for alloys. 20% is used for protective coatings. Durable and malleable Nickel in pure form is also widely used in the form of bars, wires, sheets, tubes. High plasticity allows to obtain from him a variety of parts by hot and cold deformation. Especially in need of Nickel — industrial chemistry, food, textile, elektrotehnicheskaya industry.
Chemical resistance
Pure Nickel produces a variety of machines, tanks, boilers and crucibles with high resistance to corrosion. The Nickel is in the manufacture of containers for storage of food and chemicals. Nickel crucibles are widely used in analytical chemistry. Depending on the diameter, Nickel pipes are used for the production of capacitors, the synthesis of hydrogen, the pumping of chemical substances. Nickel, the essential tools in medicine, in research and practice.
Nickel and its alloys play a crucial role in the construction of nuclear boilers. They are used as high temperature protective sheaths for protection of the uranium rods from corrosion in nuclear reactors.
Electrical quality
Nickel no cost, radar, TV, modern energy. Nickel plate was replaced by cadmium in circuit breakers of the neutron beam to obtain high-energy neutron pulses. Nickel plates used in ultrasonic units, as well as in modern phones. Alloys c additives manganese (manganese Nickel) used in gastronic rectifiers for holders of systems and electrodes for incandescent lamps. Alloys are alumel and chromel has become very popular as the material for thermocouples. With their help, we can accurately measure the temperature in a large interval in oxidizing environments (up to t° 1200−1300°C), i.e. in industrial processes. For rheostats used alloys of Nickel and copper (Copel, Constantan). In such alloys, 40−50% Ni, and the resistivity does not change with temperature change.
High strength
The jet technique would be impossible without special heat resistant alloys. Transport engineering based on the use of high strength steel, titanium, hromonikelevoj and other alloys. Although reserves of Nickel in the earth’s crust among other metals, is only the thirteenth place, its value in the technique no less than of iron, aluminum, copper and other critical metals.
To buy, price
The company «" sells metal products at the best price. It is formed taking into account the rates on the LME (London metal exchange) and depends on technological features of production without the inclusion of additional costs. Supply products of Nickel and its alloys in a wide range. All the party goods have the quality certificate on compliance with the standards. Here you can buy wholesale the most diverse products for large-scale production. Wide selection, comprehensive advice from our managers, reasonable prices and timely delivery define the face of our company. When wholesale purchases of discount system.
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