Application, properties and coating of titanium carbide
Titanium carbide is currently used in the manufacture of solid metal alloys in the electrodes of arc lamps in the tool industry. Also this material is used as protective screen electric resistance furnaces, boats and crucibles, covers the protection of metal thermocouples, abrasive coating for processing, iron, steel, non-ferrous alloys, semiconductor processing, glass, aluminum, dielectric, and natural stone, filler of diamond tools.
Toarbid titanium is used as material in the electrode reservoirs with the use of the mercury cathode in the electrolysis. It catalyzes the decomposition of the amalgam sodium. Titanium carbide is widely used as an additive to the graphite or its substitutes. The electrodes based on titanium carbide is used in the electrolysis of an aqueous solution, during oxy-electric cutting under water steel and vacuum evaporation. The use of such electrodes during flame cutting under water allows 6−10 times to reduce the specific consumption of the electrode.
Features carbide-titanium electrodes
When cutting the electrode in such steels there is a slight excitation of the arc, steady burning, and formed the cut turns out high quality. With the introduction of carbide-titanium in the composition of graphite electrodes in the electrolysis of aqueous solutions increases their effectiveness. If the increase in C-TiC electrode, the content of titanium carbide 30%, there will be a marked reduction in the overvoltage and the selection of both oxygen and hydrogen. The current density will be from 10.2 to 10.4 A/cm2. But if the content of carbide-titanium to increase more than 30%, then reduce further surge will not happen.
When applied to plastic coatings of aluminum, using a carbide-titanium as the heating element is difficult due to the cutting of refractory compounds of tubular electrodes. Carbide-titanium crucibles and electrodes are used for vacuum evaporation of low-melting metals (silver, tin, titanium carbide, copper), without the addition of other materials.
Features of titanium carbide for the production of electrodes
Titanium carbide for the manufacture of the electrodes has the following characteristics: from 79,2% to 80%. Ti and 0.1 — 0.2% C St., 19.4 to 20.2% of C. 0.1 — 0.6% of Fe. Produced the following fraction of titanium carbide: F320, F360, F400, F500, F600, F800, F1000, F1200. Titanium alloys are supplied according to GOST 19807−74.
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