Steel grade transcript

Supplier KMZ offers in the range of GOST and various alloys Russian and foreign production. Supplier of guaranteed shipping of products to any point specified by the user.

Carbon steel

Such steel alloys are divided into two groups — structural and instrumental. For structural steels include those in which the percentage of carbon does not exceed 0.7…0.8%, and to the instrumental — alloys containing more than 0.8% of C.

Transcript of grades of alloy steels

According to GOST for steels of domestic production adopted chislova-letter nomenclature, according to which first in the designation of the steel grade is a number that indicates tenths of a percent of carbon (for steels containing approximately 0.1%, the figure is not placed) and then the letter, indicating the presence of a particular (usually common) alloying elements: tungsten, cobalt, X — chrome, f — V, G -manganese, M — molybdenum, T — titanium R — boron, — silicon, Yu — aluminium, N-Nickel, D — copper. The last letter of the labeling can be While that indicates a high level of quality, or sh, that points to a method of smelting (slag remelting) or VD (vacuum arc melting). After lettering should be a numerical indication of the percentage of the alloying element.

Transcript grades of conventional steel

In the notation of non-alloy steels GOST indicates only the percentages of carbon (only high-quality steels). Steel of ordinary quality are labeled conditional value: 0 — if the percentage of carbon less than 0.23 and manganese and silicon are not standardized. Labeled 1 if carbon up to 0.12%.Marked 2 if carbon up to 0.15%. Marked 3 if the carbon to 0.27%. Marks 4, if the carbon to 0.37%. Marked 5, if the carbon to 0.49%. In addition, brands such steels also indicates a way of smelting: PS — balanced, KP — boiling, SP — calm.


To buy at cost-effective prices from manufacturers of steel and alloys of domestic manufacture in a large range of brands offers Supplier KMZ. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery to any destination specified by the customer.

Special types of markings

They are applied in the following cases:

  • For non-alloy tool steels: the letter U in front of the symbol (carbon), followed by the percentage of carbon in the steel, multiplied by 10;
  • For high speed tool steel: the letter R (rapid steel), and then the above-described sequence of letters and numbers.
  • Ball bearing steel: the letter W at the beginning of the marking;
  • The pilot began at the beginning of the marking which indicates the letter e, or D (when steel was first obtained in Ukraine and in the Ukrainian language the word «experimental» is translated as «Dolly»). This is followed by conventional numerical marking of the heat number. Generally uses a combination of letters. EI, EP, or EK set steels, for the first time produced by the plant «Elektrostal», CHS — steels melting of the Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant, DI steel smelting plant «Dneprospetsstal etc. Boiler steel: after the numerical designation of the percentage of carbon followed by a letter To — boiler steel;
  • Construction began — after the numerical designation followed by a letter From construction steel.


Supplier KMZ implements at affordable price various grades of alloys Russian and foreign production. The supplier produces the prompt delivery of products anywhere in the application installed by the customer.

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