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Supplier KMZ offers aluminum bronze С61400 at economical price. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount discount. The provider ensures timely delivery of products to any email address. The price is the best in this segment of the rental.
Technical characteristics
Aluminum bronze brand С61400 used to manufacture piping elements and parts of machinery, manufacture of corrosion-resistant vessels and piping for pumping seawater in pipe systems and pipelines capacitors, in the manufacture of welded and seamless pipe, chutes for moving the abrasive particles in technological processes of manufacture of tubes of heat exchanger installations, mining shovels, tanks, condenser head. Marine the bronze used for the production of corrosion resistant fasteners, protective shells, pressure vessels, parts, marine hardware, welded tanks, mixing chambers, etc.
Chemical composition, ASTM B169
- Aluminum is 6… to 8%;
- Iron — 1,5…3,0%;
- Manganese — not more than 1.0%;
- Zinc — not more than 0.2%;
- Phosphorus — not more than 0,015%;
- Lead — not more than 0.1%;
- Copper — the rest.
Physical properties
- Density, kg/m3 — 7900;
- Melting point, °C — 1046;
- Coefficient of thermal expansion in the temperature range 20…300°C, µm/deg — 16,2;
- The modulus of elasticity, GPA — 117.
Mechanical characteristics
- The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 520;
- Yield strength, MPa — 230;
- Relative tensile elongation, % not less than 35.
Machinability is satisfactory, the welding under the flux layer, welding in shielding gases is not recommended, Temperature range of forging — 790…925°C.
Supplier KMZ offers to buy aluminum bronze С61400 at economical price. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount discount. Supplier KMZ ensures timely delivery of products to any email address.
Supply, price
Buy aluminum bronze С61400 provider KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. To purchase a bronze of all brands in stock at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. The price is the best in this segment of the rental